Music to Eat Cake By: Essays on Birds, Words and Everything in Between

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‘Eccentric and delightful … I loved the feeling that I never knew quite where each chapter was going to take me.’ – Lissa Evans, author of ‘V is for Victory’.

Today’s reader has choices: books about love, about life, about death — and everything in between.

The variety is overwhelming, bewildering. But what if the reader could play a part in producing something different, something about everything, about nothing, about everything and nothing at the same time?

What if the reader could tell the writer what to write about? Lev Parikian asked his readers those very questions, gathered their responses, and then set out to write that book.

Music to Eat Cake By is the result, a collection of essays exploring everything from the art of the sandwich and space travel to how not to cure hiccups and, of course, his beloved birdsong.

Lev considers each subject with his signature wit and warmth, inviting the reader to wonder: what might we ask him to write about next?