Top Ten Round One Votes

Ember in group 499 with 745 votes (beaten in round 2)
Murmuration in group 241 with 713 votes (beaten in round 6)
Plinth in group 1 with 627 votes (beaten in round 2)
Bumptious in group 1023 with 607 votes (beaten in round 4)
Rumpus in group 339 with 599 votes (beaten in round 3)
Humdrum in group 28 with 597 votes (beaten in round 2)
Thwart in group 172 with 594 votes (beaten in round 3)
Rhinoceros in group 661 with 586 votes (beaten in round 3)
Shenanigans in group 218 with 578 votes (still active)
Gossamer in group 207 with 569 votes (beaten in round 2)

Top Ten Round Two Votes

Gusset in group 1 with 1353 votes (beaten in round 3)
Flange in group 6 with 805 votes (beaten in round 5)
Plinth in group 1 with 793 votes (beaten in round 2)
Rapscallion in group 17 with 650 votes (beaten in round 6)
Malarkey in group 64 with 639 votes (beaten in round 4)
Bumptious in group 256 with 627 votes (beaten in round 4)
Lollop in group 217 with 611 votes (beaten in round 6)
Flabbergasted in group 70 with 603 votes (beaten in round 4)
Noggin in group 146 with 568 votes (beaten in round 7)
Nincompoop in group 101 with 565 votes (beaten in round 6)

Top Ten Overall Votes

Higgledy-piggledy with 2505 total votes (beaten in round 9)
Murmuration with 2474 total votes (beaten in round 6)
Shenanigans with 2455 total votes (still active)
Bumptious with 2379 total votes (beaten in round 4)
Bollocks with 2373 total votes (beaten in round 9)
Flange with 2371 total votes (beaten in round 5)
Whippersnapper with 2359 total votes (beaten in round 8)
Gusset with 2272 total votes (beaten in round 3)
Paraphernalia with 2259 total votes (beaten in round 5)
Rapscallion with 2257 total votes (beaten in round 6)

Top Ten Mean Votes Per Round

Gusset with 757 votes per round (beaten in round 3)
Plinth with 710 votes per round (beaten in round 2)
Higgledy-piggledy with 626 votes per round (beaten in round 9)
Murmuration with 619 votes per round (beaten in round 6)
Shenanigans with 614 votes per round (still active)
Bumptious with 595 votes per round (beaten in round 4)
Flange with 593 votes per round (beaten in round 5)
Bollocks with 593 votes per round (beaten in round 9)
Whippersnapper with 590 votes per round (beaten in round 8)
Paraphernalia with 565 votes per round (beaten in round 5)

Breakdown of Round One and Two Votes by Number of Syllables

Total votes for words with 2 syllables: 310355
Total votes for words with 3 syllables: 223293
Total votes for words with 1 syllable: 175253
Total votes for words with 4 syllables: 114275
Total votes for words with 5 syllables: 31026
Total votes for words with 6 syllables: 10764
Total votes for words with 7 syllables: 214

Pearson's correlation coefficient = -0.858

Breakdown of Round One and Two Votes by Initial Letter

Total votes for words beginning with S: 112378
Total votes for words beginning with P: 73600
Total votes for words beginning with C: 69855
Total votes for words beginning with F: 59299
Total votes for words beginning with B: 58207
Total votes for words beginning with A: 49739
Total votes for words beginning with T: 49158
Total votes for words beginning with D: 44727
Total votes for words beginning with G: 41567
Total votes for words beginning with M: 41464
Total votes for words beginning with H: 33044
Total votes for words beginning with E: 32107
Total votes for words beginning with W: 31139
Total votes for words beginning with R: 29994
Total votes for words beginning with L: 26328
Total votes for words beginning with O: 21971
Total votes for words beginning with I: 19964
Total votes for words beginning with V: 15126
Total votes for words beginning with N: 14896
Total votes for words beginning with J: 11336
Total votes for words beginning with U: 9313
Total votes for words beginning with K: 8386
Total votes for words beginning with Q: 6328
Total votes for words beginning with Y: 2604
Total votes for words beginning with Z: 2521
Total votes for words beginning with X: 129

Breakdown of Round One and Two Votes by Position in Group

Total votes for words in position 3: 229138
Total votes for words in position 2: 218785
Total votes for words in position 1: 215846
Total votes for words in position 4: 201411

Pearson's correlation coefficient = -0.3717