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Came first in group 316 in round 1 with 434 votes

beat Glutton on 224 votes
beat Sty on 66 votes
beat Withhold on 47 votes

Came fourth in group 79 in round 2 with 151 votes

beaten by Peregrination on 230 votes
beaten by Filth on 195 votes
beaten by Phenomenon on 185 votes


English Wikipedia has an article on:


From Middle English holihocke, holyhokke, holihoc, from holi (holy) + hocke, hokke, hoc (mallow) (from Old English hoc (marsh mallow). The modern hollyhock was probably unknown in England until the 15th century, so usage before then no doubt referred to some other mallow.

Apparently so-called for being brought from the Holy Land; compare an old name for it in Medieval Latin cauli Sancti Cuthberti (St. Cuthbert's cole).



hollyhock (plural hollyhocks)

  1. Any of several flowering plants of the genus Alcea in the Malvaceae family.
    • 1842, [Katherine] Thomson, chapter X, in Widows and Widowers. A Romance of Real Life., volume II, London: Richard Bentley, [], →OCLC, pages 227–228:
      No cottage in Coughton boasted taller hollyhocks, nor finer Michaelmas daisies in the autumn than Dame Magdalen’s almshouses; []

Derived terms[edit]
